When deciding the course of your career, searching for the right job and finding a…
adminMarch 21, 2014
The increased use of technology in business, has urged many companies to outsource their payroll…
adminMarch 20, 2014
The leave policy of a company recognizes the importance of balance between the work and…
adminFebruary 20, 2014
The commitment of an employee towards his company entitles him to certain leaves of absence…
adminFebruary 14, 2014
The employees of any government, non-government or private organization are entitled to certain types of…
adminFebruary 6, 2014
First things first! In this age of digital presence, communication is the key and emails…
adminJanuary 30, 2014
Drive makes group projects easier because everyone can share files and work together. But in…
adminJanuary 20, 2014
Many small and medium businesses use Microsoft excel for their payroll. Using excel is easy…
adminJanuary 20, 2014